Julie Bailey, Inclusive Employment Consultant at ECL tells us how employing someone with learning disabilities has been proven to boost both workplace morale and productivity.
Did you know that disabled people are more than twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people?
Through our company Essex Carers Limited (ECL), we are trying to challenge the prejudices around employing disabled people by matching employers with candidates and providing support to these candidates in their jobs.
Employing someone with a disability and becoming a Disability Confident Employer has huge benefits. Our clients thrive on routine and repetitive tasks that other employees cannot sustain, or may find mundane.
Our clients increase job loyalty and reduce staff turnover, as well as bringing diversity within the workforce and increased staff engagement. The enthusiasm of the inclusive employees can be infectious and it has been shown that they are able to boost both workplace morale and productivity, as the company gains a positive sense of reward in giving a person the opportunity they deserve, empowering them to be more independent.

ECL are the largest care provider in Essex providing high quality care and support to older people, adults receiving reablement services, adults with learning disabilities and people with sensory impairment.
I work as an Inclusive Employment Consultant, supporting adults with learning disabilities to achieve their goals of becoming more independent.
As a consultant, I am able to present employers with candidates who have been specifically matched to the vacancy, who will be supported by the team with on-the-job coaching once they are within a placement and be assisted with vocational training at no cost to the employer.

Xanthe and Trisha, two young women with learning disabilities, have found their ideal jobs through ECL. Both were supported in their search for work by their ECL Consultant, who contacted a local care home to see if they had any suitable positions. It is very difficult for adults with learning disabilities to secure work through a traditional recruitment process, so consultant’s approach companies they think may be able to provide something specifically tailored.
The care home had a need for further cleaning support, and so Xanthe and Trisha were given CV writing and interview technique training, to help them approach the care home regarding the possibility of work.
Following a successful interview both ladies were employed, and one month on Michelle, Residential Care Manager had this to say:
“Xanthe was a bit shy at first and nervous, but I did her probation interview this week, and to see this young lady sitting in my office, beaming smile on her face, just grown in confidence, it makes my heart melt, and makes you think this has been so worthwhile and something we should encourage everyone to do”
Paid employment is so important to a person’s confidence, self-esteem and sense of purpose, when asked how she felt about her new job Xanthe replied:
Why not use your business to help fight prejudice and create a more inclusive workplace?
As a Disability Confident Employer you will also benefit from free publicity through ECL’s own communications including social media, the ECL website and use of the free digital toolkit which includes the Inclusive Employer badge.
For more information on becoming a Disability Confident Employer contact me at Julie.Bailey2@essexcares.org
Or visit the ECL website