Parndon Mill: watering the seeds of growth

2019-11-08T10:02:41+00:00September 11th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Roger Lee is the Project Manager at Parndon Mill. Greetings from Parndon Mill hub of creativity and part of hidden Harlow! Although we’re hidden on the fringes of Harlow we do feel we are an important aspect of the town’s cultural asset and are deeply rooted with our fellow cultural venues. It’s been a busy year so far and I’m delighted to have seen a good few Harlow Ambassadors enjoying our exhibitions in the Gallery. It has been brilliant to see the growth in both the number and range of people coming to visit us over recent years.  We now have around 3,700 student engagements a year and our annual Open [...]

Harlow Architectural Design Awards

2019-08-08T08:44:35+01:00August 7th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Paul McLintic, of Harlow Civic Society, is the organiser of the Harlow Architectural Design Awards. People often ask me what it is they should look out for when nominating a building for the Harlow Architectural Design Awards.  That question is a way of asking “What is it that makes a good design?” I have some sympathy with these questioners because I too am not an architect so I look at Harlow’s buildings and open spaces with an equally inexpert eye. Sometimes I see a building I like, that pleases me in the way it looks and which seems to fit into the space it is occupying and sometimes it’s to the [...]

Fifty years of Harlow Campus

2019-07-05T10:59:39+01:00July 5th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Sandra Wright is the General Manager of the Harlow Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland. You might be thinking, what has Harlow got to do with Newfoundland? Well, in 1967 Lord Stephen Taylor of Harlow, former member of Harlow Development Corporation, became President and Vice-Chancellor of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Upon accepting his position at the University, he said: “I think it would be rather fitting if the oldest town in the New World were linked to the newest town in the Old World." And so, the Harlow Campus of Memorial University was established in 1969, in Old Harlow. Fifty years later, the link between the two towns is as [...]

Harlow Showcase

2019-07-05T10:59:30+01:00June 13th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Robert is the Heart 4 Harlow Town Chaplain, Chair of the Harlow Chamber of Commerce and the organiser of Harlow Showcase. Discover Harlow raise awareness of Harlow as an attractive place to do business. I am proud to be a Harlow Ambassador and enjoy working closely with them. My role in the community means I get to see first-hand developments across the town. We have cutting edge science and technology at Arrow, Public Health England and Kao Park to name just a few. These businesses should be able to pick from an exciting pool of talent with Harlow College and local apprenticeships schemes preparing the next generation of Harlow businessmen and [...]

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